Sunday, May 24, 2020

The New Geopolitics Of Energy Essay - 710 Words

Carlos Pascual, The New Geopolitics of Energy, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University, September 2015, 37 pp. Article Synopsis: â€Å"The new Geopolitics of Energy† is an overall synopsis of how energy is linked to geopolitics, and how the United States has emerged over the past decade as a major hydrocarbon producer and exporter, which has resulted in the changing the nations posture globally. Of note, Pascual highlights the point that the U.S. has found a new borne power that it can wield geopolitically, and can even further its international objectives. However, it must wield that control very carefully and with finesse, because if done poorly could have far reaching ramifications. Managing this power will not be easy and may take some formidable resources, and the U.S. is not well versed in the unique way that OPEC and the major oil producing nations conduct business. He stresses that energy markets and foreign policy are not static and that the U.S. has to fully understand the intricacies of both. The article is broken into three sections. Part one of the paper addresses the fundamentally new foundations for global oil and gas supplies that stem from the unconventional energy revolution in the United States. This was accomplished by employing new technologies that combine horizontal drilling with hydraulic fracturing, also known as â€Å"fracking† to release oil and gas from the layers of shale and new cost reducing technologies. This increased oil production inShow MoreRelatedGlobalization and Geopolitics Energy934 Words   |  4 Pagesbelieved that globalization is rendering the concepts of geopolitics and the great powers, it is only enhancing the strategies of those whose aims it is to take control. Globally, the population provides the excuses many super powers need to carried out their power manipulation and seek out natural resources. 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